Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. Point of Sale Apps 136 Apps found. author: Webkul software pvt. ltd. × category: Point of Sale × version: 17.0 ×

The Odoo Customer Address Autocomplete module utilizes the Google API to identify customers' complete addresses and automatically inputs them into various fields like street, city, and country.

Customer Address AutoComplete
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Odoo POS Restaurant Extension connects Odoo POS with Odoo Hotel Management. This module lets customers place room service orders which will be paid on checkout. The Odoo app eases billing by providing combined or isolated bills during checkout. The module generates POS invoices for every room order that customers can verify and pay at checkout.

Hotel POS Extension
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows you to convert your POS sales very easily with a native mobile application.

Mobikul POS: Mobile Native App Builder
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows the odoo to work on andoid. Odoo Backend App | Odoo Phone App | Odoo Android App | Odoo Mobile | Odoo POS App | Odoo IOS App

Odoo Mobile App (Wrapper)
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you to Fetch Duplicate Records and then change the data in all model also restore the original data.|Restrict Duplicate|Find Duplicate|Merge Duplcate|Restore Duplicate|Change Duplicate|Restrict Merge Duplicate Data.

Odoo Restrict and Merge Duplicate Data
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The Scan and Go module from Odoo empowers businesses to generate QR codes with ease. It offers predefined survey formats for quick survey management.Odoo POS | Odoo Survey | QR Codes | Data Collection | Document Sharing | Time-Saving | Survey Management | PDF Handling | QR Code Generation | Odoo Scan & Go | Odoo PDF | Odoo Feedback

Odoo Scan and Go
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The POS additional charges enhance your POS system by allowing you to seamlessly apply supplementary charges like delivery, packaging, and service charges. packaging|service|delivery|extra charges|more charges|incremental charges|parcel charges |Delivery Expense|Packaging Expense|Service Expense

POS Additional Charges
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The Odoo POS Address Autocomplete module uses the Google API to automatically input customers' complete addresses into various fields in the Odoo POS portal.pos address auto complete| customer autofil |customer auto fil | address autofil | pos complete address | pos customer address | pos customer autoaddress | pos address | address auto complete

POS Address AutoComplete
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This Module allows you to Search Product with different Product fields.Querry|Advance|Pos Deep Search|Filtered Search

POS Advance Search
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows the seller to order/sort product on the basis of product sale, product creation date, product price or product name at any time in running session.Product OrderWise|Product First TO Last|Product Date and Time WIse|Product Ordering|Ordering

POS Advanced Product Ordering
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Avail multiple Webkul POS Modules in the single package!! Pos Features in One Multiple Featues in POS Pos Orders All Orders List Pos Reprint Order Reprint Receipt Reprint Multi Features.All In One|One|Pos All In One|Custom All In One.

POS All In One
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

POS Barcode Scan|Barcode Scanner|QR Code Scanner|Barcode Reader|QR Code Reader|Camera Scan|Scan Product In POS|Scan Barcode In POS|Product Scanners |Barcode Scan by Camera|pos mobile barcode|pos mobile scanner

POS Barcode & QR Code Scan By Camera
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module is used to create booking, review booking and assign booking.|Custom Booking|Modified Booking|Booking Mangement|Booking

POS Booking Management
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allow you to add a carry bag and its charges to the POS cart of the customer for maintain the record in the Odoo.Carry Bag|Bag|Carry|Custom Carry Bag

POS Carry Bag
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Add your company logo to the POS with the module. The logo will appear in the POS session and on the order receipt.

POS Change Logo
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows you to delete a Orderline with a single click and it also help to removes the complete cart at once.Remove Orderline Items|Clear Cart Items|Remove Cart Items|Delete Orderline Item

POS Clear Orderline & Cart
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module is used to give complementy items to the customer on purchase of specific quantity of some product.Complimentary|complimentary Items|Custom Complimentary|Customer Complimentary

POS Complimentary Items
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The POS user can add custom message notifications or reminders to be shown on the POS screen at the mentioned time.Break Message|Custom Message|Message|Notification Message

POS Custom Messages
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module is used to show the products that are added into a particular cart. This is a handy way to show the customers what is in their cart.Customer Cart Screen|Customer Review Screen|Product Screen|Customer Product Screen.

POS Customer Cart Screen
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Allows the POS user to manage the partners and their contacts efficiently within the POS.

POS Customer Contacts
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.